terça-feira, 30 de março de 2010

Harley Davidson vai à justiça no Brasil (Matéria do Vrum)

Segue a matéria publicada no EM dia 25 de março. A atitude da Harley Davidson USA foi demorada, mas enfim tomada. Espera-se que a liminar concedida pela justiça americana seja o primeiro passo para que o tratamento dado aos consumidores brasileiros seja à altura da paixão que estes nutrem. Dentre várias reclamações enviadas a Milwaukee está a minha, perdoem o inglês precário.

P.S.: Link da matéria do VRUM ao final do post

My name is Txxxx, I am a lawyer, own a FLSTN 2008 and I am member of the HOG Belo Horizonte, Brazil and this contact is about serious complaining reasons.

The fact is that Harley Davidson has a dealer and only one in Brazil that has several unsatisfied customers. The majority of them are complaining about the way Izzo Group treats the after sale services and products avaiability in Brazil.

Very competent before sale, they do not have the same concern with the services and the needs of every h.o. to make their dreams a unique motorcycle (In my case, waiting for a sissy bar and wind shield since November.)
On the contrary, knowing that it is the only dealer in a country full of Harley fanatics, they do not show intention to represent the mark as they should, as Harley and its fans deserves, treating the customers even with rudeness, hanging up the phone etc.
To check the general insatisfaction and the lack of care by the dealer, please visit the biggest website of customers complaints in Brazil and be cautious to note that none of the complaints have been answered or solved.
The website is Reclame aqui and this is the link to Harley and Izzo’s complaints. If you preffer, enter www.reclameaqui.com.br and type Harley Davidson in the box Enterprise, Product or service:
Some of the latest complaints: “Bad behavior”, “Lack of responsibility ”, “Monopoly”, “Harley do not respect consumer” and so on.
I do not have commercial intentions with this contact, but show the insatisfaction of lots of Brazilian Harley owners with the support gave to us, hoping that the HD Motor Company take measures to enhance its image in the Brazilian market.
For any further contact, my e-mail is
Thank you.

Link do Vrum: http://noticias.vrum.com.br/veiculos/template_interna_noticias,id_noticias=36234&id_sessoes=38/template_interna_noticias.shtml

Um comentário:

  1. sera que da pra vc deixar a lambreta encostada e ir tomar uma
    abraço seu blog ta bacana, se precisar de dicas pros seu prjt BH -> Buenos, So me falar que ate punta eu conheço

    abraço cachorro
